About This Course
The Neuro-Semantic training workshops for enabling and facilitating the self-actualizing life.
The unleashing process of self-actualizing is a journey inward that will take you through a thousand rabbit holes as you explore the depths and heights of your inner games before it brings you out into the outer world of performance. And that is where you will find the excitement of the outer game and peak performances. All of this is like taking the Red Pill. So obviously, it is not for the faint of heart, but for the adventurous.
15 Days
No Prerequisites
Course Certificate Included
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Unleashing Leadership
Unleashing Creativity and Innovation
Unleashing Potential
Unleashing Productivity
Unleashing Vitality
Understand Leadership as processes and learn several models so that you can identify the kind of leader you are or want to be.
Explore your leadership states that will allow you to manage your emotions.
Identify the different kinds and dimensions of power needed to be an effective leader.
Enrich your relational skills (Levels of Relating and corresponding Skills for the Levels of Relating that are required). If you can’t relate, you can’t lead in any way!
Explore one’s identity as a leader – distinguish self-esteem from confidence and then develop a robust sense of identity as a leader.
Examine how you as a leader organize your sense of time. What is your default time orientation: past, present or future? And what is best for a leader?
Break the pattern of poor use of time that overwhelm and affect one’s states in a detrimental way
Apply innovative problem-solving tools for the corporate environment, where problems can be complex and costly. On a personal level too, gain many insights into how to deal with personal issues – or indeed prevent them from arising.
Determine what is needed to solve problems and to start looking at the process of being creative.
Accurately define the right problem for the right context. Distinguish a real problem vs a pseudo problem that under close scrutiny just disappears anyway.
Recognize that creativity comes from within, identifying the states of mind of creativity and putting them together in a process so that you can actually create, rather than just dream.
Understand where meaning making, quality controlling and enriching all happens.
Explore and construct within your mind the six elements of the Crucible of Transformation: unconditional self-esteem, acceptance, witnessing, responsibility, truth and appreciation.
This is a wonderfully hypnotic process which is deeply personal and incredibly empowering in itself.
Start living in The Zone – making real those deep internal shifts so that life becomes supercharged!
Learn what makes people highly effective and productive.
Gain the ability to regularly and consistently produce as productive people do.
Be prolific, efficient, persistent, and resilient in your work without burning-out or succumbing to stress.
Unleash your processes of productivity while still having lots of fun.
Become productive in a healthy way without more work and stress.
Custom design and begin to experience your very own Productivity Matrix.
Recognize where you are and how effective you are in meeting your basic needs.
Develop your base and become well-grounded in your essential needs with the vitality to move to the higher life, the “Meta-Life”.
Free yourself from any and all psycho-gratifications of lower needs that keeps you stuck at the “shallow life”.
Use the Self-Actualization Assessment Scale also to measure your higher self-actualization needs.
Move into the your Meta-Life and tap into the higher energies for vitality.
Experience the new restlessness of the self-actualizing life for to attain a higher level of Vitality